No idea what to post? Leaning into holidays to market your small business is a great way to stir up some inspiration. Here’s a 2024 social media holiday calendar with a few ideas sprinkled in for marketing your small business.
P.S. - I'm going to update this blog on a quarterly basis with new content ideas. So make sure to check back!
January 1. New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay
Share your business goals for the new year.
Share your wins for 2023 and thank your audience.
Lean into resolutions and show how your business can help.
January 3. International Mind-Body Wellness Day #MindBodyWellnessDay
If you operate in the health/wellness industry, this one’s a no-brainer! You can share tips on increasing your health and wellness while positioning your service or product as a helping hand.
Start a challenge with your audience!
January 4. National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay
Share a little-known fact about your industry or business and quiz your audience on it.
January 15. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (third Monday of January) #MLKDay
Please, for the love of god, DO NOT just post a quote. Instead, try suggesting how your business is embodying service.
January 17. Ditch Your Resolution Day #DitchYourResolutionDay
You can air on the side of caution or encouragement with this one. You can encourage your audience to keep up with their resolutions or position your business as the devil on their shoulder.
Black History Month #BlackHistoryMonth
Instead of sharing the standard graphic, try highlighting black businesses in your community or the products you offer that are created by Black women or men.
February 7. National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay
Create some cheeky downloadable cards with your logo!
February 11. Super Bowl LVI #SBLV #SuperBowlSunday #SuperBowl
Either you're "pro-football" or "no football." Either way, lean into that!
February 13. Galentine’s Day #Galentines
Events, ideas to celebrate, gifts - there are so many ideas here!
February 14. Valentine's Day #ValentinesDay
Position your business as a great way to celebrate or show appreciation to a loved one.
Women’s History Month #WomensHistoryMonth
I want you to take the same vibe you used for Black History Month into this one, too. Try interviewing women who inspire you and use that content for social media, blogs, email, etc.
March 1. World Compliment Day #WorldComplimentDay
Compliment your audience!
March 1. National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay
Show your team some love! This would be a great chance to kick off a team intro series.
March 8. International Women's Day #BeBoldForChange
Show how you're supporting women in your community or industry. And if you're a woman-owned business, don't be afraid to show how you're trailblazing in your industry.
March 10. International Day of Awesomeness #IDOA #DayOfAwesomeness
Go ahead, tell your customers how awesome they are.
March 15. World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay
Health and wellness peeps: here's your chance to show off how you can help with sleep!
March 17. St. Patrick's Day #StPatricksDay
Please stray away from the generic post and only lean into this if it meshes with your small business.
March 18. Global Recycling Day #GlobalRecyclingDay
Gen Z is all about environmental responsibility. So, show off how your business is making a difference!
March 20. International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness
This is an easy one. Create some content around what pain point your business satisfies.
March 20. World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay
Share your business's origin story.
March 20. First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring
Time to shift into that "warm weather" mindset. Share some teasers for new products or services. And if you don't have anything coming through the pipeline, refresh something old.
March 21. World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
Create a poem about your business that shows appreciation to your customers.
April 1. April Fools Day #AprilFools
April 2. World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD
April 3. Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
April 3. World Party Day #WorldPartyDay
April 4. Hug a Newsperson Day #HugANewsperson
April 5. Walk to Work Day #WalktoWorkDay
April 6. National Carbonara Day #NationalCarbonaraDay
April 7. World Health Day #LetsTalk
April 10. Siblings’ Day #NationalSiblingsDay
April 11. National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
April 20. National Look-Alike Day #NationalLookAlikeDay
April 21. World Creativity and Innovation Day #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative
April 22. Earth Day #EarthDay
April 23. World Book Day #WorldBookDay
April 28. National Superhero Day #SuperheroDay #NationalSuperheroDay
April 29. International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay
April 29. World Wish Day #WishDay #WorldWishDay
April 30. National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay
April 30. International Jazz Day #JazzDay
Mental Health Awareness Month #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
May 1. May Day #MayDay
May 1. International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay
May 2. World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay
May 4. Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay & #Maythe4thBeWithYou
May 5. Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
May 5. World Laughter Day #LaughterDay #WorldLaughterDay
May 6. No Diet Day #NoDietDay
May 9. Europe Day #EuropeDay
May 9. Lost Sock Memorial Day #LostSockMemorialDay
May 12. International Nurses Day #InternationalNursesDay
May 12. Mother’s Day #MothersDay
May 15. International Day of Families #FamilyDay
May 17. National Bike to Work Day #BTWD
May 17. International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia #IDAHOT
May 18. International Museum Day #International Museum Day
May 25. National Wine Day #NationalWineDay
May 27. Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW
May 27. Sunscreen Day #NationalSunscreenDay
May 28. Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay
June 1. International Children’s Day #WorldChildrensDay
June 1. Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents
June 2. National Leave the Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay
June 3. World Bicycle Day #WorldBicycleDay
June 5. World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay
June 6. National Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay
June 7. National Doughnut Day #NationalDoughnutDay
June 8. World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay
June 8. National Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
June 14. World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood
June 16. Father’s Day #FathersDay
June 20. First Day of Summer #FirstDayofSummer
June 21. International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay
June 21. National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
June 21. World Music Day #WorldMusicDay
June 21. National Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
June 27. National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay
June 30. Social Media Day #SMDay
July 1. International Joke Day #InternationalJokeDay
July 2. World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
July 4. Independence Day (United States) #IndependenceDay
July 7. World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
July 11. Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay
July 14. Bastille Day – National Day in France #BastilleDay
July 15. Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay
July 17. World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
July 18. World Listening Day #WorldListeningDay
July 18. Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
July 21. National Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay
July 24. Tell an Old Joke Day #TellAnOldJokeDay
July 30. International Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship
August 1. World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay
August 1. Respect for Parents Day #RespectForParentsDay
August 2. National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay
August 8. International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
August 9. National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
August 10. National Lazy Day #LazyDay
August 11. National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay
August 12. International Youth Day #YouthDay
August 12. World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay
August 13. International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay
August 14. National Financial Awareness Day #FinancialAwarenessDay
August 15. National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
August 16. National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
August 19. World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay
August 19. World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
August 20. National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay
August 26. National Dog Day #NationalDogDay
August 26. National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
September 1. World Letter Writing Day #WorldLetterWritingDay
September 2. Labor Day #LaborDay
September 5. International Day of Charity #CharityDay
September 6. National Lazy Mom’s Day #NationalLazyMomsDay
September 6. Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay
September 8. International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay
September 11. National Day of Service and Remembrance #PatriotDay
September 12. National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay
September 18. International Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay
September 21. International Day of Peace #PeaceDay
September 22. Hobbit Day #HobbitDay
September 22. First Day of Fall #FirstDayOfFall
September 27. World Tourism Day #WorldTourismDay
September 30. International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay
Global Diversity Awareness Month #GlobalDiversityAwarenessMonth
October 1. International Coffee Day #CoffeeDay #InternationalCoffeeDay
October 1. World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay
October 2. International Day of Nonviolence #InternationalDayOfNonviolence
October 3. National Techies Day #TechiesDay
October 4. National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
October 4. World Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay
October 4. World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay
October 5. World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay
October 8. World Octopus Day #WorldOctopusDay
October 10. World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay
October 10. World Sight Day #WorldSightDay
October 14. National Dessert Day #DessertDay
October 15. Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay
October 16. Bosses Day #BossesDay
October 16. World Food Day #FoodDay
October 24. United Nations Day #UNDay
October 25. Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay
October 30. Checklist Day #ChecklistDay
October 31. Halloween #Halloween
Men’s Health Awareness Month – Movember #Movember
November 1. World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay
November 1. National Authors Day #NationalAuthorsDay
November 1. National Cook For Your Pets Day #CookForYourPetsDay
November 4. National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay
November 8. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day #STEMDay
November 12. Deepavali/Diwali #Deepavali #Diwali
November 13. World Kindness Day #WKD
November 15. America Recycles Day #BeRecycled
November 16. International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay
November 17. International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay
November 19. International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay
November 19. National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay
November 20. Universal Children’s Day #UNChildrensDay
November 21. World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay
November 28. Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving
November 29. Black Friday #BlackFriday
November 29. National Day of Listening #DayOfListening
November 30. Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall
November 30. Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay
December 1. World AIDS Day #WorldAIDSDay
December 2. Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
December 3. International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD
December 4. National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
December 5. World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay
December 5. International Ninja Day #InternationalNinjaDay
December 8. Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay
December 10. International Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
December 10. International Animal Rights Day #AnimalRightsDay
December 10. Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize
December 11. International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay
December 21. First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice
December 23. Festivus #Festivus #AiringOfGrievances
December 24. Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve #MerryChristmas
December 25. Christmas Day #Christmas #MerryChristmas
December 31. New Year’s Eve #NYE #NewYearsEve
December 31. No Interruptions Day #NoInterruptionsDay