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  • Writer's pictureKayla Stinnett

Generating Leads: YOU BETTER WORK

Generating Leads: YOU BETTER WORK

Let's be real - marketing is all about generating leads. But when your goal is 'lead generation,' you're bound to get some great leads along with some that just aren't that great.

So today, we're going to talk about generating leads, specifically inbound lead generation. Inbound lead generation isn't that annoying telemarketer that calls about your expired warranty. No, it's an effective online solution that can make (or break) your business.

So let's dive in.

What exactly is a lead?

A lead is anyone that shows interest in your business, product, or service. Typically, a person becomes a lead after they've shown some interest in your business, such as submitting a contact form, taking an online survey, etc.

What's lead generation?

⁠The practice of lead generation is attracting and converting a person into someone who's shown an interest in your business. Lead generators can range from social media, blogging, e-books, checklists, and pretty much any way medium or method you use to attract people to your business. Think of 'lead generation' as a way of warming up potential customers and 'lead generators' as the vehicle you use to do it.

How exactly do you generate leads?

Let's walk through the steps of the lead generation process:

  1. First, a person discovers your business through something like your website, social media channels, or blog.

  2. That person then clicks on a 'Call to Action' or CTA as we like to call it, on an image, button, or link that encourages them to take action.

  3. They're then redirected to a landing page or a webpage that's designed to capture their information in exchange for something they value.

  4. And voila - you officially have a lead!

Once you put all those steps together, you have your lead generation process or the journey your prospect takes to becoming a full-blown lead. Now let's discuss what you need on the front and back-end to make it work.

Website, Email, Social Media - OH MY!

To generate a lead, the prospect (or person that's a stranger to your biz) has to be able to find you. That's where your marketing channel comes into play. Choosing your marketing channel not only depends on your business but also depends on where your customer regularly consumes information.

Searching for Millenials? Facebook and Instagram would be your best bet. Do you host frequent events? Then email marketing is probably your jam. Remember, the point here is to not only choose a marketing channel that works for your business but that's also attractive to your customer.

If you're unsure where to find your ideal customer, check out our blog about 'Defining Your Audience.'

Let's talk about content.

Now that you've chosen your marketing channel, it's time to generate content. Now there's a few things to consider here, but the most important thing to remember is that your content should provide visitors with useful and free information.

So what content should you create? If you're a brewery, you might consider downloadable craft beer cheat sheets, engaging social campaigns, or a free e-newsletter. If you're a salon, try short 'how-to' videos or product highlights. The objective here is to create content that your audience finds valuable, applies to your business, and gives you a chance to establish yourself as a market expert.

We know you're thinking...

Why not just buy leads? Remember the way you feel when you get a random robocall? That's how your purchased lead will feel when they hear from you. We know the temptation is, you know, tempting, but DON'T DO IT. Buying leads is the quickest way to get your business blocked, blacklisted, and just downright disliked.

Cold, Warm, and Hot Leads

Now that you're generating leads, it's time to start qualifying them. Gauging a lead's level of interest directly relates to how much information they're providing in exchange for your content. For example, someone that downloads your content would be a warm lead, while someone who's never heard of your business would be a cold lead. A hot lead would be a prospect that has directly shown interest in your product or service, such as completing a contact form or reaching out to your business directly.

Congrats! You've completed this short and sweet crash course on generating leads. Remember, choose your marketing channels wisely, create content that's valuable to your audience, and always qualify your leads. Want to learn more? Feel free to give us a shout for a free marketing consultation by contacting us here.


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